Get your instant price by filling in custom online print customization options for your books on white uncoated paper.
The choice of printing your book with a soft cover with or without flaps and inner pages in white uncoated is the most economical solution. For your soft covers you have the choice between glossy or matte coated (the most economical) or the card coated 1 side (the most rigid). The covers can be laminated with an acrylic varnish (the most economical) or with a polypro varnish (the most brilliant). For inside pages, the white uncoated is a paper without wood. It offers a high opacity to print your novels, your stories, your essays, collections of short stories, scientific or genealogical books.
Long before writing and designing your book, it is important to define its closed size and open size.
Check out our guide for a good preparation of your graphic files for the printing of your book.
(€1.28 1000 ex)
Instant quote calculation and deadlines for online printing book with coated cover and uncoated paper inner page.
Instant quote calculation and deadlines for online printing book with coated cover and uncoated paper inner page.