Get your quotation by configurating the online printing customization options of your pink neon posters. Your pink neon posters are printed on 90gr Bougainvillee fluorama paper. Available in A4, B4, A3, B3, A2 and B2, they are ideal for urban display to highlight an event, a concert, a theme party, a flea market or for theatre. It is also suitable for shops who want to use them as a showcase sign to report special offers, arrival balances or destocking. Playing on options will allow you to get the best price for printing your pink neon posters online.
The file you send us after validation of your order will be saved in ".PDF" to ensure the printing of your fluorescent poster. Our prepress services ensure, free of charge, that the files sent with your order correspond perfectly to the order placed and are adapted to our production tools.
Check out our printing guide for a good preparation of your graphic files for the printing of your posters.
Instant quote calculation and deadlines for custom pink neon poster printing.
Instant quote calculation and deadlines for custom pink neon poster printing.